The Canada geese made a welcome return this morning. The three families seem to be sticking close together. The three different groups of goslings are all different sizes.
Wildlife photos by AnnMackieMiller: copyright 2011
Canada Goose Gosling 4 weeks old |
Wildlife photography by AnnMackieMiller: copyright 2011
Canada Goose Goslings 2-3 weeks old |
Goslings picture by AnnMackieMiller: copyright 2011
Canada Geese Goslings 2 weeks old |
They came down the canal while I was sitting feeding the moorhen and chicks at the Mill then turned to go back up towards East Morton again. A short time later they were heading back down the canal and a glance up revealed why - a pair of swans with one cygnet on the way down. Canada geese and swans seem to be sworn enemies. By the time I had walked back down to Greenhill, the Canada geese and goslings were all up on the field, flapping wings and running very fast. Not quite ready to get off the ground yet but definately exercising their wings. These will probably stay in the UK but I suppose they are 'programmed' to prepare the goslings quickly for a long migration.
Canada Geese Goslings Flight School |
Swan picture by AnnMackieMiller: copyright 2011
Male and Female Mute Swan with Cygnet |
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