Monday, 14 March 2011

Micklethwaite Moorhens - 14th March

I'm always on the lookout for the moorhens at Micklethwaite Wharf.  I have seen two there and even think they were mating but not sure.  Many days there is only one there and one day, after they mated the female went all the way from the Greenhill to the reed bed, there she gave a sort of pitiful little call and came to be fed. 
Today I noticed this one peeking out from under the concrete at the edge of what used to be the turning circle on the canal.  Last year, the moorhens built there second nest in this hollow, well out of sight.
Today, it seemed to be alone, and I don't think there was any sign of nest building.  Moorhens are compulsive nest builders and you see them carrying nesting material to the nest even after the chicks have hatched so I don't think there is any nesting going on yet.  It remains to be seen if we will have the joy of seeing moorhen chicks there this year.

off to graze


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