Sunday 7 December 2014

Meet Grumps the Male Mute Swan: Swan against Canada Geese

Mute Swan Versus Canada Geese

Grumps and the Canada Geese

male mute swan
"Grumps" Male Mute Swan
I am lucky enough to live a few minutes from part of the Leeds to Liverpool canal in West Yorkshire. A point called Micklethwaite Wharf opens up to green fields and this stretch of the canal is rich in wildlife. Of these the oldest inhabitant is a male mute swan. Apparently he has been nesting here, possibly for around 15-17 years. Last year he lost his mate to foxes but has found a new one this year. They successfully hatched seven cygnets which could be seen up and down this stretch of the canal until recently.

Swans are notoriously territorial, more so during the breeding season. That said, our male mute swan seems to take it to extreme and actually seems to derive great pleasure from clearing the canal of all other wildfowl. Of all the other wildlife there, the ones he hates most are the Canada geese. This year we have had six summer visitors, one a breeding pair who have produced seven goslings.

Here, I have managed to document one particular encounter between them. The swan stranded the adults and all the goslings on the bank at the workings for the swing bridge. One adult would lure his away, supposedly in the hope the other could get the goslings onto the field. Sure enough the swan would harry the escapee but would soon turn and go back to the others. The free adult appeared to keep trying to lure the swan away. It would just put a foot in the water and the swan would take off in his direction, unfortunately not for long enough for the other adult and the goslings to escape, so this went on for some time. Eventually the swan had had enough fun and moved off.

I think you will agree this picture of him, shows exactly what he thinks about it all.

IMAGE CREDITS: ALL the photographs here are by me, the author of this page, AnnMackieMiller - and copyright to me. They are deliberately in low resolution to prevent image theft - sorry.

Mute Swan and Canada Geese

canada geese and mute swan
Canada Geese stranded on land by aggressive mute swan

The tale of Grumps and the Canada Geese

The initial chase started way down the canal, in front of the old mill that is now flats, came under the swing bridge and the Canada geese with their babies managed to get out of the water and up onto a little triangle of land formed by part of the workings for the swing bridge. They were stranded there for quite a while with Grumps not letting them more on to the green field adjacent to it.
Canada Geese and Goslings
Adult Canada Goose With Goslings

Eventually the male Canada goose tried to lead the swan away to allow the female and goslings to get over to the field. He managed to gain the bank but the swan keep swimming between him and the female so she couldn't make a move. Every time the male put his feet in the water, obviously trying to draw the swan away, Grumps would go after him.
It took some time and another harrowing chase but eventually the whole family were reunited on land.
I found it amazing how fast Grumps could move, I couldn't keep up with him and I was running - OK not running fast but certainly a fast jog. I think this was the first time I really appreciated the sheer power of these big birds as he powered through the water.



Canada Goose
Canada Goose

Canada Geese Goslings
Canada Geese Goslings

mute swan and Canada goose
Mute Swan and Canada Geese

mute swan and Canada goose
Canada Geese trying to escape Mute Swan

mute swan and Canada goose
Mute Swan and Canada Goose

Canada Goose with Goslings
Female Canada Goose with Goslings

mute swan chasing Canada Goose
Mute Swan chasing Canada Goose

mute swan chasing Canada Goose
Mute Swan 'busking' Swan attack mode

mute swan chasing Canada Goose
Mute Swan chasing Canada Goose

mute swan busking
Mute Swan chasing Canada Goose

mute swan and canada geese
Mute Swan and Canada Goose

mute swan and canada geese
Canada Geese escape Mute Swan 

1 comment:

  1. We had scenes like this on the Centennial Lake in Maryland while the Mute Swans lived there. Thanks for the memories!
