Sunday 10 April 2011

Little Mama the White Goose

Wildlife Photography by AnnMackieMiller
Copyright 2011
'Little Mama covers the eggs before leaving them'
 This white goose laid her eggs around the 14th March on the Greenhill, under an ancient hawthorn tree.  She is actually one of a threesome and the little grey companion laid her eggs in the same nest much later in March.  This one seems to be doing all the sitting and is very dilligent.  However, she doesn't want to miss out on any treats going.  She sees me coming complete with plastic bag of dried pellets but she doesn't have time to wait in queues. 
She very quickly covers the eggs then she flies right to my feet on the tow path for her share.  I love it.  Just look at her underbelly where she has been plucking the feathers out to line the next.  What a mama!
Goose picture by AnnMackieMiller
Copyright 2011


  1. What a mama indeed! So shared nests, eh? Enjoyed these insights into the waterfowl world.

  2. :0)
    thanks so much Sarah and Hope.
